Dutch Apple Berry Pie

Dutch Apple Berry Pie 

A decent Dutch formula to attempt !

Dutch Recipe Ingredients

* 2 cups cut green apples
* 1/2 cup raspberries
* 1/2 cup new blueberries
* 1 (9 inch) thicker style pie covering
* 2/3 cup universally handy flour
* 2/3 cup pressed earthy colored sugar
* 1/3 cup margarine
* 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
* 1/2 teaspoon ground allspice
* 1 squeeze ground nutmeg

  Dutch Recipe Instructions
1. Preheat broiler to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
2. Blend apples, raspberries and blueberries; fill pie shell.
3. In an enormous bowl, join flour, earthy colored sugar, spread or margarine, cinnamon, allspice and nutmeg. Blend until dry and brittle. Sprinkle over organic product.
4. Heat for 30 minutes, or until garnish is brown. The Dutch formula of apple berry pie is prepared to serve...enjoy it !

Dutch Apple Berry Pie VIDEO

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